Dog Swollen Joint Front Leg

Diagnosing & Treating a Dog’s Swollen Joint Front Leg

A swollen joint in your dog’s front leg can be uncomfortable and painful for your furry friend. Swollen joints can cause constant pain when your dog walks, or might make it difficult for them to get up from a lying position. As you know already, there’s nothing worse than seeing your pup in pain!

As a responsible pet owner, it’s your job to notice any changes to your dog’s legs and to learn what to do about a dog’s swollen front leg joint to relieve your pup’s pain. Today, we’ll discuss what might be causing your dog’s front leg swollen joint, and give you some tips on how to treat this painful condition. 

Whether your dog is already in pain from swollen joints, or you’re just looking for some more information, we’ve got you covered.

Causes of Swollen Joints in a Dog's Front Leg

There are lots of different things that can cause swollen joints in your dog’s front leg. Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes. 


One of the most common causes of joint swelling in dogs is an injury. This can include anything from a sprain or strain to a broken bone. Injuries can occur during exercise, play, or simply by jumping off furniture or stairs. If your dog has a swollen joint and has recently been injured, this may be the cause of their discomfort.


Dogs can also experience joint swelling due to allergies. Allergies can cause inflammation throughout the body, including in the joints. For dogs, common allergens that may cause swollen joints include pollen, dust mites, and certain foods or food additives.


Joint swelling can also be a sign of an infection in the joint or in another part of the body. Bacterial infections are the most common cause of joint infections in dogs. If your dog has an infection, they might be showing other signs like fever, lethargy, and loss of appetite.

Medication Side Effects

Some medications, particularly those used to treat arthritis or other joint problems, can have side effects that cause front leg joint swelling in dogs. If your pup is taking medication and develops a swollen joint, it's important to check with your vet to determine if their medication may be causing the problem.

Illness or Immune Disorder

Joint swelling can also be a symptom of an underlying illness or immune disorder. For example, dogs with autoimmune diseases may experience joint inflammation as their immune system attacks healthy joint tissue. 

Other conditions, such as cancer, can also cause joint swelling as a secondary symptom. If you think your dog's swollen joint could be related to an underlying illness, call your vet right away to get your pup checked out. 

Diagnosing Swollen Front Leg Joints in Dogs

Sometimes, your dog’s swelling might go away on its own, but other times you will need to visit a vet so they can take a look. Let’s take a look at how a diagnosis for your dog’s swollen front leg joints works.

When to See a Vet

As soon as you notice swelling in your dog’s joints, it’s important to encourage your pup to rest and not involve them in too much physical activity for a few days. After a few days of rest, you might find that the swelling goes away on its own and your dog is back to their usual bouncy self. 

If your dog’s joint pain doesn’t subside with rest, you’ll need to see a vet. You should also see a vet right away if your dog is experiencing swollen joints along with fever, loss of appetite, or general lethargy, as this may be a sign that something more serious is going on. 

Diagnostic Tests to Expect

To diagnose the cause of a swollen joint in a dog's front leg, your vet will usually perform a physical exam and may also recommend tests, which might include: 

  • Blood tests to check for signs of infection or inflammation
  • X-rays or other imaging tests to look for injury or arthritis 
  • Joint aspiration to analyse the fluid within the joint

In some rarer cases, additional and more invasive tests like a biopsy may also be required, but this isn’t very common. 

Treatment Options for Swollen Front Leg Joints in Dogs

Based on your pup’s test results, your vet will develop a treatment plan tailored to your dog's specific needs, to get them back on their paws faster. Your dog’s treatment plan will likely include some (or all) of these: 


Rest is often the first step in treating a swollen joint in your dog's front leg. This means limiting your dog's activity level and avoiding activities that put stress on the affected joint, like running or climbing stairs. Your vet might recommend crating or confining your dog to a small area to help them rest.

Weight Management

Excess weight can put added stress on your dog's joints, leading to swelling and discomfort. If your dog is overweight, your vet might recommend a weight loss plan to help alleviate joint pain and reduce the risk of future joint problems as your dog gets older. 

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can be a good way to help reduce joint swelling in dogs. This may include exercises to improve joint range of motion, massage therapy, and other techniques to help alleviate pain and promote healing. 


In some cases, medications may be necessary to help manage joint swelling and pain. This may include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce inflammation, pain medications, or other prescription medications to treat or manage underlying conditions. 

The Role of Joint Supplements

Joint supplements are a really effective way to naturally manage your dog’s joint swelling. Supplements can help to manage joint pain, reduce swelling from inflammation, and even protect your dog’s joints from further damage. Plus, natural joint supplements are much safer for your dog than long-term medication use, which can cause issues with your dog’s kidneys, liver, and digestive system. 

Choosing the Right Joint Supplement For Your Dog

If you’re wondering how to help a dog with arthritis or how to reduce your dog’s swollen front leg joints, the best joint supplement for dogs might just be the answer you’re looking for. Here’s how to choose the right supplement to help your dog heal as quickly as possible.

Talk to Your Vet First

When it comes to dog joint care, vets have a lot of experience. Joint issues are very common in dogs, especially as they age. Your vet will be able to recommend joint supplements that contain all the right ingredients to help protect your dog’s joints, and also give you some tips on exactly how to use them. 

What to Look for in a Supplement

There are a lot of different dog joint supplements on the market, so how do you find the right one for your pup? First, make sure it contains ingredients that are proven to help with joint health, like glucosamine, which prevents joint pain and stiffness, and chondroitin, which reduces joint tenderness, swelling, and discomfort. 

What’s NOT in your dog’s supplements is also important. Make sure you choose supplements containing only high-quality, natural ingredients. Avoid supplements with added fillers, flavours, or artificial colours, as these have no nutritional value and shouldn’t be part of your dog’s diet. 

It’s also important to make sure that the supplement you’re using is age-appropriate for your dog, as many supplements like probiotics are specific for puppies or older dogs. So, at what age can I give my dog probiotics and other supplements? Learn more about that in our guide!

Finally, make sure you’re purchasing from a trusted, reliable brand. Find a supplement brand that’s backed by vets, and comes recommended with lots of positive user reviews. Otherwise, you might be spending your money on something that won’t help your dog, and could even do more harm than good. 

Shop at Mighty Munch to Get Your Four-Legged Friend Back to Full Form!

At Mighty Munch, we offer the finest dog joint supplements in Australia, made from top-quality ingredients in a licensed, human-grade facility. Our joint supplements contain key ingredients like glucosamine, chondroitin, and the magical MSM, a compound naturally found in dogs that’s used to relieve painful, swollen joints. 

Don’t just visit Mighty Munch for our joint supplements! Our collagen for dogs, available as a delicious meal topper, is perfect for keeping your dog’s coat and skin healthy. Our best dog probiotics are also ideal for keeping your dog’s digestive system in good health. 

The best part about Mighty Munch is that our supplements don’t contain anything your dog doesn’t need. Safe for dogs of all breeds and ages, our supplements have the backing of vets across Australia and satisfied pet parents around the globe. 

Final Thoughts on Dealing With a Dog’s Swollen Joint Front Leg

As you can see, there are lots of different causes of a dog’s swollen joint front leg, which may or may not need care from a vet. Depending on what’s causing the swelling, you can help your dog by giving them rest, managing their weight, and using joint supplements and dog probiotics to keep your dog living their best life. 

At Mighty Munch, that’s exactly what we strive to do. Our all-natural supplements are made in Australia, vet-approved, safe for all dogs, and most importantly, delicious! Don’t let sore, swollen joints suck the life out of your best friend, try tasty joint supplements instead. 

Treat your dog’s joints with the best dog supplements in Australia - visit Mighty Munch today! 

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